Discover the techniques of the Inner Holy Anointing through the story of Jesus Christ and other Christed Beings while you raise your inner Chrism Oil for personal enlightenment.

Practice the ways of the ancient Essenes who walked and talked with the angels, as you learn to raise your vibration with dietary guidelines and esoteric practices and work towards activating your rainbow light body.

The Essence Activation Path

Awaken the sacred oil within and embark on the alchemical journey of raising your inner Christos, just as the ancient Essenes, the path of Jesus Christ, and other illuminated beings have revealed.

I will guide you in learning the Christos Oil techniques and assist you as you journey through the path of activating the Inner Holy Anointing for your own body, mind, and soul.

This transformative practice aligns your body, mind, and spirit with the divine blueprint encoded within, guiding the sacred oil through the spinal gateways and up through your chakras to illuminate the higher centers of consciousness and your being.

Through sacred knowledge, breathwork, meditation, diet, and visualization, you will activate the radiant frequencies of your rainbow light body, reclaiming the wisdom of the ancients and stepping into your fullest divine potential.

Walk the path of the Christos and remember the luminous being that you truly are.

Essence Activation Path Counseling Sessions include informational handouts and instructions that will give you a concise guide to follow the protocols at home. I also walk you through downloading and using a moon calendar app on your phone, which is needed for the Christos Oil practices.

It is best to book an hour session at a time for these appointments, as there is a lot of information to get through. It may be necessary or desired to have at least three sessions regarding the practices and knowledge of this modality to get the full spectrum of this information. However, this can be flexible.

In the future, this course will also be available online. If you have any questions, fill out the form below with your inquiry.

Contact Me through E-mail:

To book an appointment with me for a session, or to ask any questions, please fill out the contact form and I'll get back to you right away.

First session is always FREE, to determine which spiritual counseling modalities will best work for you and if I am a good fit for your needs. Pricing thereafter is $33 per hour, but I am willing to negotiate with anyone who needs it.

Reach out to learn more about esoteric wisdom and practices inspired by the journey of Jesus Christ, Illuminated Beings, and the Essenes.