Awaken and Connect to Your True Essence through Spiritual and Metaphysical Counseling
Connect with your Inner Self through ancient and modern spiritual methodologies to align to your life mission and chosen destiny.
Spiritual Counseling Services with Jennifer Eissinger, MA, Rev.
My spiritual and metaphysical counseling sessions include many modalities from both ancient and modern knowledge and wisdom. Spiritual counseling sessions in the form of talk therapy are also available, with an emphasis in Jungian psychology and metaphysical approaches to life's journey. These sessions and modalities can be woven together or used individually to tailor counseling that is uniquely aligned and designed to fit your specific needs. Explore the different modalities below by clicking on each section and feel free to contact me about any questions or to book a session.
An introductory consultation with me is free of charge to see if I am a good fit for your soul's needs and for you to get more information about the counseling services I offer. After that pricing is $33 per hour, but I will negotiate with anyone who needs it. I look forward to meeting with you.
Council of Constellations
Connect with your council and guides as you integrate within and without using archetypes, astrology, and ancient star wisdom to confidently map your journey.
(Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) connect with your Over Soul and inquire about your past, present, parallel, and future lives and destiny.
Portal Magick
Learn about creating and using portals and the Mandela effect to co-create your chosen destiny and timeline and join us at our Portal Parties in the mystical Arizona desert.
Essence Activation Path
Learn about and and put into practice the ancient methods to raise your consciousness through the Chrism Oil of Holy Anointing within your own body.
Frequency, Light, and Vibration
Work with sound, light, and vibration to activate your higher consciousness using Rife frequencies, MindPlace Kasina, Crystal Bowls, Tuning Forks, and Red Light Therapy.
Art Classes and Creativity
Take some one-on-one or small group artistic classes to create things like paper beads, paper lanterns, junk journals, gel printing, lip balms, salves, and other concoctions and crafts.